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Call for Abstracts

The EVDI abstract submission is now closed! 

Key Dates
Opening abstract submission: 1 April 2024
Deadline abstract submission: 31 May 2024, 23:59 hrs. UTC +2
Confirmation of acceptance/rejection: 1 July 2024
Registration presenting author: before 1 August 2024

All abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee using the following criteria:
- Originality, novelty
- Significance, importance
- Scientific quality, hypothesis, experimental design
- Interest for EVDI participants
- Composition, clarity, and organization
- Adherence to author guidelines

Selected abstract will be published in the digital version of the Journal of Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound and we advise authors to have a look at the instructions to authors on: Abstracts that are not selected will not be published.

Abstract Guidelines
- Abstracts should not have been published or presented at an international meeting prior to submission.
- Projects must have followed approved ethical guidelines. 
- Abstracts can be submitted as: oral presentation (if rejected poster possible) and poster presentation (if accepted oral possible).
- Length: 250 words excluding title, authors and affiliation.
- Title: Left justified, bold, in capital letters.
- Authors: Left justified, not bold, initials and last name, no degrees/qualifications/titles/etc.
- Affiliations: Left justified, not bold, consisting of University/Institution/Company, Department, Country. Please start each new affiliation on a separate line.

Please make sure to read, fill and upload the Statement of Animal Use and Disclosure Form, during your abstract submission.

Authors need to follow a standard outline including:
- Introduction / Purpose must provide a clear background to the study
- Methods must provide a clear description of the project
- Results must clearly state the findings of the project, pending results will not be accepted.
- Discussion/Conclusion must outline the meaning of the results in a wider context.

 In case of any furher questions, please send an e-mail to: